Our Partners
Hong Kong Insurance Companies
At CCW we are continually looking for additional high-quality providers with which to partner in order to give you the widest possible range of choices with regards to your Hong Kong insurance coverage. Insurance companies in Hong Kong which we currently work with include:
AETNA International
AIG General Insurance
ALC Health Insurance
Allianz Worldwide Care Insurance
Allied World Insurance
April International Health Insurance
AXA Hong Kong and Macau
AXA PPP International Insurance
AXA XL Fine Art Insurance
Beazley Insurance
Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited from CCW Global
Bupa Global Health Insurance
China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited
China Ping An Insurance
Chubb Insurance
Cigna Global Health Benefits Insurance
Circles Group Insurance
ExpaCare Health Insurance
Friends Provident Insurance
Generali Insurance
Globality Health Insurance
Henner Insurance
IHI Bupa Health Insurance
IntegraGlobal Health Insurance
InterGlobal Health Insurance
LAMP Insurance
Liberty International Insurance
MetLife Life Insurance
MSIG Insurance Hong Kong
Nordic International Health Insurance
Now Health International Insurance
Pallas Global Health Insurance
QBE-HKSI Insurance
Sportscover Sports Insurance
Starr International Insurance
Swisscare International Health Insurance
The Pacific Insurance Company
Vanbreda Health Insurance
William Russell Health Insurance
Zurich Insurance
Free Hong Kong Insurance Quotes and Comparisons
If you would like to receive a free quotation comparison for any of the Hong Kong Insurance plans offered by CCW simply complete the short form at the top of this page.
Further information about our quotation process can be found by clicking Our Hong Kong Insurance Quotes.
Additionally, you can also Contact Us to speak with one of our expert Hong Kong Insurance Brokers, who will be happy to assist in answering any questions you may have in relation to insurance options in Hong Kong.
CCW - Simplifying Insurance.

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In case of urgent assistance please call our office at (+852) 2114 2840 during business hours.