
Event Public Liability Insurance

CCW Global can provide comprehensive public liability coverage for events in Hong Kong, Macau and throughout the Asia Pacific Region.

Public liability coverage is a cornerstone of all event insurance plans offered by CCW, and will ensure that your liability risks in respect to bodily injuries to attendees and damage to property are fully covered.

Public Liability coverage under event insurance policies provided by CCW Global will afford the organizer with worldwide protection for losses relating to public liability claims in all countries and territories except the USA and Canada.

Seats full of people


Why Public Liability Protection is Needed for Events

Organizing and hosting events can be a risky business. From concerts through to corporate networking functions, there is always a risk (however small) that things may get out of hand and guests may have an accident.

For example, if a portion of the stage fell off and hit a concert goer, or if an attendee at a networking function accidentally broke a window at the venue, the organizer of the event would be liable for the costs associated with fixing both these problems – provide medical care to the individual the stage hit, and providing a new window to replace the one which was broken.

The liability risks of hosting an event can be extremely expensive; and whilst many events are hosted where nothing goes wrong, a single problem at a single event can mean serious financial issues for promoters and organizers.

People dancing on the grass

Buying Cover

How is Public Liability Event Coverage Purchased?

Public Liability coverage is normally required when an event organizer books a venue.

The venue will usually require proof of liability coverage before allowing any booking.

In Hong Kong, many event production companies have, historically, purchased liability coverage on a standalone basis. This has, traditionally, not been the most cost-effective solution when looking for event insurance protection, and the liability products offered by many insurance providers up to now have not been designed to provide event-specific protection.

However, with the introduction of CCW’s event insurance products has made obtaining public liability production an extremely easy, and cost conscious process.

By bundling Public Liability protection with other vital event insurance benefits, including non-appearance and cancellation cover, CCW is able to effortlessly ensure that you have the insurance protection you need to put on the best event possible.

Festival people


Free Event Public Liability Insurance Quotes

If you would like to receive a free quote for an event insurance plan which includes public liability insurance cover, simply complete the short form at the top of this page and select Specialist Insurance from the appropriate menu. Once you have submitted your quotation request an expert CCW Global Event Insurance Broker will contact you to further discuss your specific coverage requirements.

Additional information about our event insurance quotes can be found by clicking Specialist Insurance Quotes in Hong Kong.

To request a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with an expert insurance advisor please Contact Us. 

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